Galerie Kraemer exhibition
Dialogue between Cindy Sherman and Georges Jacob
Two Stars United on Rue de Monceau.
A blend of styles and eras during an exhibition at Galerie Kraemer:
Two artists, already very famous in their own time, and both currently present in the world’s greatest collections… Sometimes even the same ones.
This pair of carved wood armchairs, from the Louis XVI period, stamped by Georges Jacob, is presented beneath a work by American photographer Cindy Sherman.
In 2003, Cindy Sherman launched a photography series titled *Clowns*, featuring self-portraits, of course… Photographs that explore the range of emotions that can lie behind the painted face of a clown.
In this piece, titled *Untitled #410*, the artist plays on the contrast between the clown’s outfit, which suggests a strict woman, and her colorful makeup.
Georges Jacob, one of the greatest master cabinetmakers of the Louis XVI era, received his Master’s certification in 1765.
He was commissioned for numerous important pieces by Queen Marie-Antoinette, the Counts of Provence and Artois (the very different brothers of Louis XVI), German and English princes (including the Prince of Wales, future George IV), the King of Sweden, Russian princes, and many others.
His works are housed in the world’s most prestigious museums.