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Galerie Kraemer exhibitions


Dialogue between Fabienne Verdier and 18th-century cabinetmaker Martin Carlin.

A characteristic example of the most beautiful contemporary homes.

At the heart of Galerie Kraemer, the theme of perfection in this combination of a major contemporary artist, Fabienne Verdier, and 18th-century cabinetmaker Martin Carlin.

Dialogue entre Fabienne Verdier et l’ébéniste du XVIIIe siècle Martin Carlin.

The painting “Ascèse” (which means “to strive for perfection”), a large work created in 2006, is emblematic of Fabienne Verdier.
An artist deeply inspired by China, she collaborates with musicians and scientists (astrophysicists, linguists, neuroscientists) to understand the forces that shape forms.

Perfection also embodied in this exceptional Louis XVI-era piece, adorned with lacquer panels.
It was crafted by Martin Carlin, one of the greatest cabinetmakers of his time.