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Two torches  – Louis XV era

Two rocaille-style torches made with chiselled, gilded bronze.
It was inspired by a template created by the Slodtz brothers.

Donated by the Grog Carvens.

Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Paire de flambeaux Louis XV , Musée du Louvre

These two torches are a donation from the Grog Carvens. René Grog and Carmen de Tomaso, also known as Madame Carven, were passionate about 18th century art. Throughout their lives, they put together an impressive collection of art pieces, before donating them to the Louvre Museum in 1974.
These torches were inspired by a design drawn by the Slodtz brothers. The Slodtzs were a family of four brothers; this makes it difficult to identify the creator of the design. The most famous among the brothers are René-Michel, also known as Michel-Ange, and Paul-Ambroise. The former became the most important figure of the Baroque movement when he came back from Rome. The latter was appointed Professor at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture, and Designer of the King’s private rooms and chambers.
These objects are a prime example of the baroque style. They feature undulating bronze ornaments, with curves and counter curves.
The fine craftsmanship lends a sense of dynamism to the marine designs. These torches are typical of the rocaille style.