Gambling table – Louis XV era

A gambling table made of wood veneering with a satin finish. It rests on four curving legs.
Two of them are foldable legs. This allowed users to unfold the table in order to play cards.
Stamped by Gilles JOUBERT (The Crown’s main supplier)

Donated by the Kraemer Gallery
Château de Versailles.

Table à jeux Louis XV, Musée de Versailles

In the 18th century, playing games was a very popular activity amongst members of the nobility and the bourgeoisie.

Gambling tables were used in living rooms as well as other rooms. They became quite popular during the Louis XV and Louis XVI eras. Their popularity encouraged cabinetmakers to design new furniture pieces with inventive mechanisms to meet the expectations of the time.
Cabinetmakers managed to create a table that could be used to play several games in the same room: brelan, quintille, tric-trac, serpent, or trou-madame.
This was made possible by the foldable trays. This allowed multiple players to play simultaneously.
The wooden top features a checked marquetry tray. The inside of the table is lined with green fabric for people to play games on.